Sublime Text 3 auto-upgraded to Sublime Text 4 on my laptop on May 20, 2021

There are a ton of awesome new features in Sublime Text 4, but I’ve also found a few things that I want to change and a few minor issues that I’m sure they’re working on (e.g., I submitted this ticket for typing feeling slow when the same file is open on multiple monitors

Inactive Pane Dimming is the official feature name but the setting name is “Inactive Sheet Dimming“, but you may also call it “inactive tab dimming” or search for “sublime text 4 tab highlighting” or “sublime text 4 file tab highlighting” like I did.

Inactive Pane Dimming is when you have 2 or more tabs open side-by-side, and when you click on one, it dims the other ones.

Method 1: Disable Inactive Pane/Sheet Dimming

You can disable Inactive Pane Dimming by the following steps:

  1. Click “Preferences” > “Settings”
  2. On the right, add the following to your settings:
"inactive_sheet_dimming": false,

This should appear within the settings curly braces, so for example mine looks like this:

  "tab_size": 2,
  "theme": "Default.sublime-theme",
  "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
  "inactive_sheet_dimming": false,

Voila! You may need to restart Sublime Text 4.

Method 2: Change file tabs back to Sublime Text 3 angled appearance

Alternatively, you can disable it implicitly by changing the file tabs back to their sublime text 3 appearance, and this will disable the dimming between tabs as well.

  1. Click “Preferences” > “Settings”
  2. On the right, add the following to your settings:
"file_tab_style": "angled",

This should appear within the settings curly braces, so for example mine looks like this:

  "tab_size": 2,
  "theme": "Default.sublime-theme",
  "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
  "file_tab_style": "angled",

Voila! You may need to restart Sublime Text 4.